Partonomy list P3, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

cranial sutures

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Top level articular system Short Extended
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Current level cranial sutures
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
1309 tax
cranial sutures
suturae cranii
52928 1310 tax
coronal suture
sutura coronalis
52929 1311 tax
sagittal suture
sutura sagittalis
52933 1312 tax
lambdoid suture ; lamdoidal suture
sutura lambdoidea
52934 1313 tax
occipitomastoid suture (pair)
sutura occipitomastoidea (par)
(accessory occipital suture (pair) ; mendosal suture (pair) )
(sutura occipitalis accessoria (par) ; sutura mendosa (par) )
52938 1314 tax
sphenofrontal suture (pair)
sutura sphenofrontalis (par)
52943 1315 tax
sphenoethmoidal suture (pair)
sutura sphenoethmoidalis (par)
52944 1316 tax
sphenosquamous suture (pair)
sutura sphenosquamosa (par)
52945 1317 tax
sphenoparietal suture (pair)
sutura sphenoparietalis (par)
52989 428 tax
(frontal suture ; metopic suture )
(sutura frontalis persistens; sutura metopica )
52946 1318 tax
squamous suture (pair)
sutura squamosa (par)
52947 1319 tax
parietomastoid suture (pair)
sutura parietomastoidea (par)
52982 1320 tax
(squamomastoid suture (pair) )
(sutura squamomastoidea (par) )
52948 1321 tax
frontonasal suture
sutura frontonasalis
52949 1322 tax
frontoethmoidal suture (pair)
sutura frontoethmoidalis (par)
52950 1323 tax
frontomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura frontomaxillaris (par)
52951 1324 tax
frontolacrimal suture (pair)
sutura frontolacrimalis (par)
52952 1325 tax
frontozygomatic suture (pair)
sutura frontozygomatica (par)
52953 1326 tax
zygomaticomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura zygomaticomaxillaris (par)
52954 1327 tax
ethmoidomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura ethmoidomaxillaris (par)
72303 1328 tax
ethmoidolacrimal suture (pair)
sutura ethmoidolacrimalis (par)
52955 1329 tax
sphenovomerine suture (pair)
sutura sphenovomeralis (par)
52956 1330 tax
sphenozygomatic suture (pair)
sutura sphenozygomatica (par)
52957 1331 tax
sphenomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura sphenomaxillaris (par)
52958 1332 tax
temporozygomatic suture (pair)
sutura temporozygomatica (par)
52959 1333 tax
internasal suture
sutura internasalis
52960 1334 tax
nasomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura nasomaxillaris (par)
52961 1335 tax
lacrimomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura lacrimomaxillaris (par)
52962 1336 tax
lacrimoconchal suture (pair)
sutura lacrimoconchalis (par)
52963 1337 tax
intermaxillary suture
sutura intermaxillaris
52964 1338 tax
palatomaxillary suture (pair)
sutura palatomaxillaris (par)
52965 1339 tax
palatoethmoidal suture (pair)
sutura palatoethmoidalis (par)
52966 1340 tax
median palatine suture
sutura palatina mediana
52971 1341 tax
transverse palatine suture
sutura palatina transversa
35 lines
97.1 %
94.3 %
Scientific notes
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 1309
Subtotals subchildren 0 subunits 0
Proper children 84
Number of children 84 (validated)
Proper units 35
Number of units 35 (validated)
Signature 14177 (validated since 15.11.2024)
Date: 12.12.2024